Head Office
Latvijas Apvienota Metodistu Baznica
Address: Akas iela 13, LV-1011, Riga, Latvia
E-mail: metodistu.birojs(at)
District Superintendent:
Edgars Šneiders
Ūdens iela 11-10, Liepāja, LV-3401, Letland
Phone: + 371 26 401 424
Special Characteristics:
- Close and supportive congregation
- Fellowship between pastors and laity
- Fellowship with UMC congregations in Denmark, Northern Ireland, England and USA
- Strong ecumenical relations
- Intergenerational ministry through Camp Wesley
Areas of Focus:
- Making disciples
- Financial responsibility and sustainability
- Raising pastors’ salaries
- Development of Camp Wesley
Latest Developments:
- Planning 100th anniversary of Methodism in Latvia in 2021
- Developing and reajusting social outreach ministries according to curent needs of the society during and after the corona Crisis
- Starting a new theological study course on Methodist Doctrine for pastors and Laity
Statistics 2019:
- Baptized Members: 469
- Confessing Members: 557
- Pastors & deacons: 13
The UMC in Latvia is a district conference within the Estonia Annual Conference, but it functions as an annual conference in practice.
German missionaries introduced Methodism in Latvia in the early 20th century, and it thrived until the Soviet occupation after World War II, when all church work was banned.
When Latvia regained independence in 1991, the Methodist church began anew and managed to retrieve some of the confiscated buildings.