Central Conference Council
The Northern Europe & Eurasia Central Conference Council facilitates decision making between the sessions of the central conference and executes assignments given by the central conference. The council has the power to act on behalf of the central conference according to the provisions in ¶ 541, 547 and 549
Link to minutes of the Central Conference Council
Link to Committee on Episcopacy and Area Groups
Members of the Central Conference Council:
Bishop Eduard Khegay, bishop.eduard(at)umc-eurasia.ru
Central Russia:
Sergei Pugachev, pugachev_sergei(at)mail.ru
East Russia and Central Asia:
Rev. Dmitrii Lysin, dimo.umc-ca(at)mail.ru
Northwest Russia:
Elena Kitaeva, soultan(at)rambler.ru
South Russia:
Svetlana Tsoy, tsvetik7(at)yandex.ru
Ukraine and Moldova:
Yulia Starodubets, yuliastar79(at)g.mail.com
Nordic & Baltic
Bishop Christian Alsted, bishop(at)umc-ne.org
Ole Birch, ole.birch(at)metodistkirken.dk (Jørgen Thaarup)
Bettina Pedersen, Bepedersen(at)outlook.dk
Meeli Tankler, mtankler(at)gmail.com
Finland F:
Jori Brander, jori.brander(at)metodistikirkko.fi
Finland S:
Leif-Göte Björklund, Leif.Bjorklund(at)abo.fi
Edgars Sneiders, esneiders(at)inbox.lv
Remigijus Matulaitis, remailo(at)gmail.com
Hilde Maria Ø. Movafagh, hildemarie(at)movafagh.no
Ingull Grefslie, ingull.greffslie(at)metodistkirken.no
Per-Endre Björnevik, per-endre.bjornevik(at)lyse.net
Svein Veland, svein.veland(at)metodistkirken.no
Substitutes: Ingerid Hogge, Aart Huurnink, Stephanie Buadu