Finland S
Head Office
Finlands Svenska Metodistkyrka
Address: Apollogatan 5, FIN-00100 Helsingfors, Finland
Phone: +358 9 449 874
Telefax: +358 9 406 098
E-mail: kyrkostyrelsen(at)
Web site:
District Superintendents:
Camilla Klockars, Fredsgatan 12, FI-65100 Vasa
E-mail: camilla.klockars(at)
Leif-Göte Björklund, Kyrktorget 9 A 2, FI-06100 Borgå
E-mail: leif-gote.bjorklund(at)
The first Methodist churches in Finland developed among the Swedish speaking population during the 1880 where Methodism spread from Sweden to Finland.
Even today, the Swedish speaking Methodists in Finland have their own Finland- Swedish Provisional Annual Conference with a little less than a thousand professing members and 13 congregations.
The church engages in mission in Zimbabwe, Kenya, India and Cambodia and focuses on church planting and working with Muslim immigrants.