Nordic Theological Means
Grant Application:
You may apply for a grant from the Nordic Theological Funds by handing in an application to the Nordic & Baltic Episcopal Office twice a year. Deadlines for applications are February 1st for the Spring meeting and September 1st for the Autumn meeting. The application must be in writing and include a detailed description, name of applicants, budget, timetable and other important information. All applications must contain a recommendation from the Cabinet of the Annual Conference in Norway, Finland or Denmark.
Purposes of the Grants:
- Courses and lectures in Wesleyan Theology at theological seminaries for theological students from the Nordic Annual Conferences
- Courses and lectures in Wesleyan Theology for continued theological education of pastors and deacons from the Nordic Annual Conferences.
- Theological education of missionaries approved by a Nordic Annual Conference
- Support for participation in continued theological education for pastors and deacons in the Nordic Annual Conferences
Who may apply? :
- Boards of ordained ministry in Norway, Denmark and Finland
- Cabinets in Norway, Denmark and Finland
- Theological seminaries in Norway, Denmark and Finland
- The Bishop of the Nordic and Baltic Episcopal Area
Historical Background
The capital consists of three funds:
- A donation from Hans Kristian Madsen in 1956, granted for honorariums for lectures at the Theological Seminarium at Överås in Sweden.
- A testamentary gift from Lydia and Alexis Wahlström in 1957 granted for theological education of missionaries.
- Bishop Odd Hagen’s Fund which was collected during the celebration of Bishop Odd Hagen’s 60th birthday in 1966 for theological education.