Meet the Bishop
My name is Christian Alsted I was born in 1961 and married to Elisabeth Flinck since june 1984. Elisabeth is a teacher at Islands Brygge public school. We have three grown-up children Sara, Mathias and Caroline, three grandchildren Karl, Josefine and Julie.
I have been a pastor in the United Methodist Church since 1984, of which 20 years were in Copenhagen. Apart from being a bishop, which I find very meaningful, I enjoy playing guitar, singing gospel music, listening to music, reading, and working out.
I was elected to the episcopacy in February 2009 and assumed office 1st May 2009. I serve the seven conferences in the Nordic, Baltic and Ukraine Episcopal area of the Northern Europe and Eurasia Central Conference. Ukraine was added to my episcopal area in the spring of 2022.
I am a member of the executive committee of the Council of Bishops, the World Methodist Council, the executive committee of the European Methodist Council and the board of Funds for Mission in Europe. I served as the chair of the Connectional Table 2016-2023, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Baltic Theological Seminary 2009-2023, and co-chair of the European Methodist Council.
I served on the board of directors of the General Board of Church and Society (2012-2020). United Methodist Publishing House (2009-2012) and on the Study Committee on The Worldwide Nature of the Church (2009-2012).
Diploma in Strategic Leadership, UCC University College Copenhagen 2016. Certified Leader of Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) 2007. Doctor of Ministry, Asbury Theological Seminary, KY, USA 1999-2002. Beeson Pastor, Asbury Theological Seminary, KY, USA 1999-2000. Ordained Elder 1986. Advance study for ordained ministry 1984-86. Ordained Deacon 1984. Diploma from Överås, the UMC Theological Seminary in Gothenburg, Sweden 1984. Graduated from the Horsens Gymnasium 1980.
Appointments in the United Methodist Church:
Jerusalemskirken, Copenhagen 1989-2009, District Superintendent 2001-2007, The International Methodist Church (founding pastor), Copenhagen 2004- (supervising elder), Svendborg (2002-2004); Esbjerg-Varde 1984-1989,
Served prior to 2009 in the following roles in the United Methodist Church:
Denmark Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church:
Chair of Annual Conference Council UMC 2008-2009, Annual Conference Council UMC 2001-2007, Chair of National Hymnal Committee UMC 1994-2006, The Board of Evangelism 1997-2001, Chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry UMC 1997-2001, Board of Ordained Ministry 1992-1997, Chair of Methodist Historical Society 1989-2009, National Board of Church and Society UMC 1984-1987, Chair of National Youth Organization (MU) 1987-1993, Board member of National Children and Youth Organization (MBUF) 1987-1993, Board of National Youth Organization (MU) 1985-1987.
General Conference and Central Conference:
The General Board of Discipleship – Board of Directors 1996-2004, Delegate to Central Conference UMC 1992-1996, 1996-2000, 2005-2008, Delegate to General Conference UMC 1996-2000, Central Conference Board of Evangelism 1996-2000, The Annual Conference of the British Methodist Church 1993, Chair Nordic Methodist Youth Council (MNUR) 1989-1993, Nordic Methodist Youth Council (MNUR) 1987-1989.
Ecumenical representation:
Co-chair ecumenical dialogue between the United Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark 2011- , Co-chair ecumenical dialogue between the United Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Norway 2009- , Co-chair ecumenical dialogue between the United Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland 2010- , The Danish Council of Churches 2011- , The Norway Council of Churches 2009- , The Dansk Willow Creek Committee 2003-2006, Evangelical Alliance 2004-2006, The Lausanne Committee 2002-2004, Danish Church Days 1989-1992, Danish Bible Society 1994-1998 and numerous local ecumenical committees since 1984, Chair of Copenhagen Gospel Festival Committee 1992-1999, 2004-2009.
Committees outside the Church:
Advisory Board of CoachPartners (2006-2008), Sølvgade School Board (2000-2004), Vuggestuen ved Jerusalemskirken, chair of the board (1992-1998).
“Kirken den er” chapter on the United Methodist Church (Eksistensen 2022), "Remembering the mission during disagreements: A reading of Acts 15 and 16" (Emerging, 2019). Ny Mission nr. 36 "Mestring af uenighed - hvordan lever vi med uenighed og bevarer enhed?" (2019).
Nordic Perspectives on Methodism 1 'What is Methodist Identity Today' (2015). Do Not Be Afraid (2015) “Moving into new Territory”, Religionsfriheden er truet i Danmark, feature in The Christian Daily, May 2008. 4 Uger med Fokus på Vejen (with Ole Birch) Jerusalemskirken 2008, Det er kristendom (with Ole Birch) Jerusalemskirken 2007. 4 Uger med Fokus på Dit Liv (with Ole Birch) Jerusalemskirken 2007, Dagslys, Boedal 2006 (contributes with 18 devotions), Salmer & Sange hymnal for Metodistkirken i Danmark, Kurerforlaget 2006 (editor Christian Alsted), Worship Change to Reach Non-Christians in Traditional Danish Evangelical Free Church, Dissertation, Asbury Theological Seminary 2002., I medgang og modgang - om parforhold og seksualitet (with Lars Ulrik Jensen), Med Liv og Sjæl – Gudstjeneste for alle aldre (with others) MNUR 1993.