
Deliver us from Evil

Bishop Alsted's comment to the recent attacks in Norway, Ukraine and Denmark.

May Prayer Letter

Do not forget to pray for Ukraine

Press Release

Press release from Denmark AC condemning the war in Ukraine

Long-Term Help for Refugees

"Save your strength! The road we are on will be long," says Ivana Prochazkova, superintendent of the UMC in the Czech Republic, referring to the relief efforts for refugees from Ukraine.

Methodist Network of Help

The war in Ukraine is driving more and more people to flee. People of the United Methodist Church are helping. This is also possible thanks to donations from the church's worldwide network. A look at Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

Prayer Letter UMC Ukraine

We stand with the United Methodists in Ukraine in prayer for protection, reconciliation and peace. Please copy and distribute this prayer letter to as many as possible.

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