
European Central Conferences Plan for a New Future

The three European Central Conferences of The United Methodist Church covering 32 countries and 10 time-zones are making plans for the future.

Our Commitment

We are at a defining moment in the life and history of the United Methodist Church.

Translation of Sermons

The Conference of European Churches (CEC) has expressed deep concern regarding the new suggested initiative on compulsory translation of sermons from other languages into Danish.

Mediation Group

Here you may find the relevant documents from the mediation process

Round Table Report 1

​​Report from the first meeting of the Nordic & Baltic Roundtable on the Future of the Church October 2019

After Annual Conference

After annual conference
Reflections from the bishop

Statement N & B Area Group

Gathered on 29-30 March 2019 in Copenhagen the Nordic and Baltic Area Group of the Northern Europe and Eurasia Central Conference unanimously decided to create a roundtable.

Bishop Alsted’s Opening of GC

Read the opening statement of Bishop Alsted at the called session of the General Conference 2019:

General Conference 2019

Bishop Alsted explains about the coming General Conference and what his expectations are. To watch the video Click here

Staunen 2018

European Methodist Festival “Staunen” 850 Methodists from across Europa gathered for 5 days of worship, fellowship, fun, prayer, networking, learning and inspiration.

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